Fabricante tableros alistonados Let your actions speak louder than your words SUSTAINABLE FORESTS


To look after and foster the care for our surroundings

The final objective of a real praxis in commiting to the environment is to be capable of providing purchasing clients of our boards with accurate and ascertainable information in regard to the content of the material, originating from sustainably managed forests and the use of controlled sourcing from a legal standpoint. It is our understanding that this is the only way, and no other, to foster and care for our surroundings. 

ALICEN has been PEFC y FSC ® certified since 2011 and in this manner has come to form part of the select group of members that meet the demanding requirements set by this organisation, pioneering the care for our forests, being considered an active agent tasked with promoting environmental sustainability. Moreover, PEFC includes the implementation and completion of responsibilities of a social and safety nature, as well as those pertaining to occupational health.

PEFC ® certificate
FSC ® certificate
Commitment Quality&sustainability